you can see landay and stroebel at work in our documentary "buying the war," at matthew hoh fought in iraq as a marine corps captain. he then joined the foreign service and became the widely praised senior american civilian in afghanistan's zabul province, that's a taliban stronghold. he resigned in protest when he came to believe the war was making things worse and american soldiers should not be dying in what was a long-running civil war. matthew hoh is now a senior fellow at the center for international policy in washington, dc. welcome to both of you. >> thank you. >> let me read you something one of your colleagues, ryan cooper, wrote this week in "who's ready to squander billions of dollars on yet another pointless, almost-certain-to-backfire war in iraq? the mainstream media for one," he says, "which for weeks has been shamelessly fearmongering the supposed threat by the islamic state of iraq and syria and many republicans, meanwhile, insist that isis represents an 'imminent threat' to the united states, which, strangely enough, is just how ge