land and animals is beef with extraordinary flavor that's almost as memorable as the surrounding landqcape once-niche product has become a staple among chefs looking for the newest and greatest product, especially when it comes from a local legend. >> it is funny to say. you hear the words "up-and-coming company," but people are like, "hearst? he's been around for a long time." but yet their beef and their ranch is relatively new, their product on the market. and so far, it's just a wonderful product, so they're slowly growing that. and it's a great concept because they're very unique in what they do. they start from finish to the end. >> and this historic working cattle ranch and landscape will be preserved forever thanks to one of the largest land conservation easements in california history. it's just one more way that the hearst legacy is living on through the land and agriculture that have been part of this famous family for generations. >> i thought it might ruin it for me when i took over running the properties and--you know, because i'd be down here all the time working. and then w