certain parishes have been landrieu hasmary been able to do really well in past elections, even though they are republican strongholds. she's been able to hold her own. it will be interesting to see if those areas decide to go more fully republican. will be watching tonight's debate and on saturday. elizabeth crisp, of the's a look at some political ads running in louisiana during this race. im mary landrieu and i approve this message. get --tor landrieu may >> his record is clear. or it will be a senate that -- >> for this? >> thank you. of the year wend will take whatever lawful actions i can take -- >> that is barack obama promising amnesty for millions. you,tax dollars benefit not those here illegally, and i remember mary landrieu, barack obama, 97%. i am bill cassidy. i approve this message. >> every morning i say a prayer for my kids. i want them to be happy and do their best. bill cassidy is a doctor. he voted in congress to cut $86 million to pay for a tax rake. i do not know what kind of doctor would do that to mike kids. i am mary landrieu, and i approve this message because