landsman: i hope so. that is not what i saw.ple who usually like good tv, trying to do good tv. this is serious. this is one of the most serious things that this country and the global community faces. they should be more serious about the way in which they are negotiating, stop doing this for tv, and start doing the hard work of putting the two countries in a room, and negotiating a lasting, sustainable peace. caitriona: you were speaking a few moments ago about the military aid package you and your colleagues past through congress last year. if president trump does try and withhold some of that funding as has been reported in the last day or two, is there anything you and your colleagues can do to stop that happening? rep. landsman: yeah, of course. the way our constitution is set up is for a moment like that. if the president and the executive branch goes too far, or is not doing their job, the united states congress is supposed to provide oversight and hold the executive branch and the president accountable. that would be th