i rise to bid you to consider that lang aston hughes once said, i square to the lord i still can't see why democracy means everybody but me. this commission has gone through a democratic process, has done an investigation, and the majority vote was that this matter would be dropped. and i wonder what lens some might be looking through to see a different view rather than democracy. i have parishionerses who live in bayview hunters point, honorable persons who served this city well. and they are vitally concerned about what's going on regarding this matter. it is excessive. it is pushing an issue that's a red herring, they appear to think, and i would plead with you today, let's major in major things and not minor things and go on with what this commission is supposed to be doing to make sure that you're doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with whatever might be your supreme being or principle. [cheering and applauding] >>> yes, my name is charlie walker and i listened to what people say. i didn't by chance think about but one thing. and most of the time people come and talk t