. >> can you reflect of the way we view this lang wang. biracial. and are you really jewish and the way we talk about different ways in which culturals interact and families. what our language and what does that tell us about this issue and our jewish community. >> well, i this i the first up that comes to mind is i have often experienced. and this conversation in which we are talking specific to the united states in terms of the race. jewish leaders often talk about our afinty for the other and our care in community on behalf of the other, and we talk about race, we often talk ant people of color attar as the other. thereby not assuming there are people of color inside the jewish community u. the first red flag is always talking about race as if people of color are the other path than an integral part of the u.s.-based jewish community. >> it makes a really important important. so often, we this i of jews as being connected to other parts of the world which is why jews perhaps don't all look the same. and this was an american phenomenon. and not wh