it activates langton street important to the residents on the other side of the street. the units are smaller, but that means they'll be offered at comparatively lower rents and available to a larger range of people. they're doing on-site affordable *siteaffordability. there's bike parks for everybody. the project has been pending since october 2015 and we spent a long time with the staff and mmaterials. a few comments about the shadow on the community garden. just for background, the garden is not generally open to the public and there are public events but people who have keys and have, lake like, a plot are allowed access. during the winter months, shadow is an entry gate. the average amount of shadow is 21 minutes a day. the maximum day for 45 minutes with no afternoon or evening shadow. in fact be, the sad doe is gonee by 8:15 a.m. an alternative project would eliminate 17 units including three bmr units and the project was unanimously arrived by rec and park. one final bit, as of a few hours ago earlier this morning, we happy to announce the project has the support