lanl we are going to have a reception that way, and we encourage you to join us. i just have a couple of comments. we are doing to be having a synopsis of the panels today. those are going to be available for you - there will be at each place tomorrow morning, so that will be away to start off the day so get here early so you can read that synopsis. i suggest that you enjoy the reception and have a rest full evening and come here with very clear heads because we've heard a lot today and we're going to really try to full together some action items where we can leave here tomorrow and at least come away, many of you as leaders of water utilities and those of you that advise us. hopefully we'll come up with real concrete plans on how to move forward, or at least some strategies to move forward. i know this panel has been very helpful in providing us with more ideas and thoughts on things we really need to take into account moving forward. i want to take a couple of house keeping items - . . . >> everybody still looks bright ayed today. that's a good sign. i'd like to