to bring a single criminal case against countrywide or any of the major wall street banks, and lanny breuer, the head of the criminal division at the justice department, agreed to talk to us. in september of 2010, you told the congressional hearing that you seek to prosecute people who make materially false statements-- people who told the investors one thing and did something different. >> that's absolutely right, and we're doing exactly that. >> we spoke to a woman at countrywide, who was a senior vice president for investigating fraud. >> mm-hmm. >> and she said that the fraud inside countrywide was systemic, that it was basically a way of doing business. >> well, it's hard for me to talk about a particular case. of course, in the countrywide case, steve, as you know, a terrific office, u.s. attorney's office in los angeles investigated that, interviewed many, many people, hundreds of people perhaps, and reviewed millions of documents. >> they never talked to the senior vice president inside countrywide who is charged with investigating fraud. >> well, i--we-- look, i-- i can't speak abo