for a while there's nothing and then as we head into the western waters of lantau island, we suddenlyucky. oh, gosh and there's one over there! oh, i missed it. you have got to be quick! it's a pink one, is he going to come up again? yep. yep. yep- oh, no, no. three o'clock, three o'clock. 0k, over there! people love concrete here. where is the tipping point where you say the dolphins are no longer sustainable, if you like? and even if they are, the gene pool is going to be shrinking with fewer and fewer dolphins so by the time you list something as endangered, it's quite often too late. as a cosmopolitan city which is quite wealthy, we have the resource to make a balance between development and conservation of the environment. we can do both. we have to strike a balance. we can have all the development that we want, but at the same time we also need to build up the capacity for the dolphins to withstand all the threats. we use the dolphin as the mascot, as the symbol of the handover so it's our responsibility to ensure that they will be here for a long time, notjust for us, but for t