masha, masha, masha, lanya, friend, save me!ur own, when did you become your own? when they dipped my face in shit, where were you, my friend, when your father beat me at the assembly, you just stood on the sidelines and were silent, no, my friend, i’ll get rid of yours, here’s mine, what? what are you going to do with me now, van? as the officer with the fugitive prisoner believes, i will surrender. i forgot valeda, i forgot, who saved you then? you, i, and i’m a fool, all this time i thought that he... thought that he was needed, thought that he loved, god, what a heavenly king, well , of course, how could she drag me to church. and i’m a fool all this time knocking on the closed gate, oh, turi, all the armoci are coming back, i sold the goods, i have money, i’m sure, i’m sure, quietly, quickly, quickly, quickly, come on! take everything, everything, everything you find, just leave life behind, don’t touch me, cut me, yell at me, just don’t touch the children. where else isn’t there, isn’t there anymore, 10 rubles in silver, a