steep pitch or a flat sloped roof, i was been in touch with the board chair and they will open to look laog at proposals and the original proposals were fine with everyone in the neighborhood however those drawings were misleading, unfortunately what isleing built is different than what was originally depicted. there has never been a physical marker on site showing the finished height of this home. we don't know where it ends. and all that they have is bench mark for the house next door. as i stated before, we have dealt with this very same problem concerning this project many times. you the board of appeals are a great help in the past in keeping in project on the right path and i would greatly appreciate the board's help again. and i am in no way suggesting that this home be greatly altered or anything of that nature. i am asking that be built more in line of what was originally proposed. at this point, i would like to show, this is the copy of the original drawings. and i am not sure where they are establishing their elevations from this is going to be too small to see, it shows 1337 nex