inspector lappe put 9 times fee on $25,000 so it doesn't say on the violation when the work was done or who-done-it, it just notes that there is definitely work there. i did look up the 96 notice of violation. it actually was very, i wasn't able to get that many details on that, but it seems this issue may have been an old one but nothing was done on it. so when the inspector went back in 2010 it was still an issue and he ended up writing it up. that's where the $25,000 penalty came from. obviously the new owner came in and i'm not sure what happened with that, but the penalty would have been on the work done without a permit. so i'm available for any questions. >> mr. duffy, this 2010 nov, is it referring back to the 1996 violations? >> that's a good question and i can't figure that out myself with reading through and i went today to get the housing inspector, i was unable to get that. one of the questions i wanted to do as part of my research but i didn't get that. typically if the work was done by a previous owner, we do have some discretion with that because they are obviously ta