. -- leaders with laqua." what will unfold in the coming years? >> we -- in difficult times. i want to use a strong mandate to drive forward a strong agenda. this makes up for the lost ground. a high growth rate for me is the priority. this will drive through important changes with the things i deeply care about. francine: you are sure you will get investment grade, does that mean in terms of possible investment? kyriakos: there is a lot of capital that cannot invest increase because they are not investment grade. we are already trading as if we are investment-grade. we also need the stabbing of approval across different agencies. we need a high interest environment. the economy will grow significantly. this is also giving the fiscal space to reduce debt. we will be able before the end of the year to actually repay ahead of time. this is for the next for years. this will also send a positive signal to the markets that not only are we focused on growth but the debt to gdp ratio will climb at a very rapid pace. francine: it is a promise to investors? kyriakos: it is. we will ac