[laughter] typical ring lardner. we couldn't let it stand. wine at the last supper. you're not getting rid of it. you live with the demons you have, to some extempt, but don't introduce new ones in it seems to me. we know the harm alcohol has caused. every family has this problem. a lot of families have the drug problem. almost every family i know if we extend far enough has the alcohol problem -- >> host: and usually the distinction between the alcohol and the pot and the other problems is very blurred because -- >> guest: yes. >> host: -- your judgment is impaired on one you imbibe in the other. >> guest: a fair minded analysis jonah, a long and complicated series of arguments if you looked at marijuana, tobacco, cigarettes and alcohol you would conclude all of this makes me think there's a strong or case against tobacco and alcohol than there is for marijuana. we're not going to prohibition. but, you know, inroads have mattered. mothers against drunk driving have done i think, very good work. and, look, all this stuff about you know, seriousness towards smokers ha