dornerr pplice are sking the for pubblc's help, offering a uu 3 / lapponeemillion dollars, this is the larggsteward -3 ever ffered to our knowledge but have also dispptched search teamssinnnevvda, arizzna aad northernnmexico.... bbt the ocus of their 3 mounnain reeort area. that's where the suspects &pburnt out truck was discovered are meticulously checking the mountainous region, and goiig door to ddor to every hhme. 3 residentthey would suuround &pthe hhoue and we asked them eventually to go through the 3 ruth matteesnn/ big earr residentthey opened all the doors you know and ooked in places ttat a person coull be, we weren't nside they hhd uss stay outside in our car the los angeles area. &p authorities cllared outtaa lowe's store as fficers searched in and around the building.mos says: ""hat wass &pthe first time we learned, -3 that we were potentially in a sealed buiiddng with a murder" go single file o the back of the parkiig lot and everyonees got tteir gun trained on the -3 line of people walkinggout" meanwhile, offfcials have peleesed the hoto of slain officer miiheal crain. investiga