the ministry, the former official suddenly noticed the volga, from which mikhail pukhov and larisa vorovskayaut, fawned over the boss, and he was flirting, when suddenly a couple came up to some woman and slapped larisa mikhail in the face that he witnessed a disgusting family quarrel? hands, and tried to deal with his mistress husband, what if she killed. people can’t hang a woman on a scarf, i checked , established her whereabouts at the time of the crime and everything left peace for some time, meanwhile, the detectives continued to work out the main suspected driver mikhail, like the hero of the film love and pigeons, he was not decisive, he was a soft supple man, like a big child. but soon a difference began to be felt in the entire upbringing of the social level of view, this was especially noticeable in the kitchen. tell me how you eat. i am i'll tell you who you are fried potatoes. modern nutritionists would be horrified, but then in soviet times the word diet is almost abusive, if a person is on a diet, then he is sick healthy eating. the fate of large originals. i just wanted to add