enter viewer larissa macfarquhar praises the book is externally moving book that will change forever the way we think about the longing for death. cadiz were to start off with the reading from the book and then shall be talking with larissa and all of you, katie please take it away. >> thank you very much thank you to larissa for joining with this conversation thank you all for joining as well. going to read from chapter two of the book for those of you who haven't or planning to buy it page 61. in the late morning on the day she planned to, in april 2016 henry went to get the poison from the downstairs bathroom. sure passed the mustard yellow curtains in the frosted glass doors of the parler, past the padded docking chair she sometimes sat for hours with her feet tilted above her head to ease then swelling in her ankles she said. when she arrived inside she studied yourself against the u countertop before reaching up to the top shelf and feeling around for the glass bottles shesh had hidden there behind the toilet cleaner and the baby powder. two of the bottles were small like jars