requesters the first larissa petrocelli of 1875 mission street apartment one 110 is concerned that thets of the 60 residents and 15 small businesses displaced by a fire are being overlooked and that the proposed project does not conform with the housing element objectives related to displacement of vulnerable population sions and that the property owner is attempting to profit from his own gross negligence that also had left one person dead which will also further gentrify this mission neighborhood. her proposed alternatives are to one make the project 100% affordable housing with a larger percentage of family size dwelling units to include a ground floor mercado to accommodate multiple small community serving businesses including those displaced and three to ensure the right to return is offered to residents displaced by the fire. >> the second your request for kaushik to thani trust the owner of 3224 to 3248 22nd street the immediate neighbor to the west is concerned that there have been no studies of the impacts of air quality of light to his residential units that that the new cons