larl in grocery it's coming from wealthier people may be over $100,000. perhaps that is taking a little from target. if you buy food at walmart you will probably by other things there as well. but absolutely consumers are very value-oriented still looking for bargains, particularly, as food inflation, while getting better, is still up 20% the past two years. katie: specifically to walmart it seems like in some sense they benefit on the way up and the way down and maybe that is what they are seeing now. stacey: they do. who is better positioned to pass on cost? they dictate, in some aspects, to their vendors, what they will pay. in tougher times, think about retail over the past three years. a lot of the growth for brands and retailers has been coming through pricing because of inflation. now that we don't have the crazy inflation, now that it is kind of like you have to grow units. that's tougher but interesting. walmart grew their traffic. the entire comp was traffic growth. that shows how much sure they are gaining. katie: i think they said they gained