consider all that has happened in the arab spurring and realize how little the impact has been on larocco in terms of its stability and in terms of its health, it's very impressive. i was sitting with my wife at lunchtime today and i was saying what is the principal thing that morongo has going for it and without batting an eyelash she said it's the morocco brand, and that's true. this is a country that has been built in a very significant way on the basis of tourism, and you will go all through the united states and you will find all kinds of people that know very little about the politics in the part of the world that are currently served, but they will tell you they have been to morocco or read about morocco or they know about morocco, and they know about this welcoming quality and about its positive feeling of its people. i frequently say that the first two words that a dealer named english or your welcome. you're welcome into our house and into our business, you are welcome to our country, and i think that that is a very telling factor. to be sure, the arab spring has had a very posi