tavis: from the time that you went to bat larouche to seek safety to the time you saw your husband, how long? >> 23 days. it should have only been 23 but they did not have the paperwork. they send the paperwork to release him on the 23rd day. tavis: let me ask a personal question. what did that specifically do to your marriage? >> it did a couple of things. he was very bitter with me because he thought i forgot about them. he thought i was having so much fun that i will get him out eventually. he had no idea about the system. it broke my heart that he would think this thing about me considering how long we have been married. it was more the fact that it was not towards me as he lost all hope in there. he lost all hope he would ever get out. i feel like it is my duty to protect him. i became more of a mother earth and a wife. if you have anything to say, say it to me. if it is a defense thing. tavis: when you look back on this now, did the turmoil you had to go through make you think differently about america? here you were doing your part trying to help other people and i am listening t