ther there is a memorandum from the previous zoning administrator, larry badner, you probably have read it. i won't get into that, but the memo describes what i was trying to do for two years to comply with the multiple notices of violations. describes the state of neighborhood relations in 2006 which were extremely strained. it describes the city action against the appellant. she put in some shed and there was a city action. then lastly, mr. badner highlights a number of complaints of which came before the board here. commissioners, i don't know if the shed incident was what -- was the catalyst to put her on the mission to harass her neighbors in the city. since then there are a lot of complaints and conflict between her and her neighbors this. is her property here. the appellant's profi appellantn north point. there are 84 complaints, actual notices of violations in planning enforcement actions on the adjacent properties to miss tsang. the fact is, commissioners, the appellant does not want her neighbor to work in or improve their properties in any way. i am going to share 3x amples.