. >> i'm larry berg and do i dousing. >> larry berg, who said white men can't douse.k of water is really not a fun thing. rivers are drying up. my name is on the line. >> not really your name on the line. >> larry berg. >> but larry is right about claim at change. last summer 3 percent of california was facing extreme or exceptional draught. this summer, it's up to 88 percent. so it makes sense that desperate farmers are turning to larry berg. great wet hope reasons how does this work. >> once you are found water it has its own current, its own frequent see. >> some static electricity that is actually back firing and coming off that water. >> that rod over here tells me i'm over something, this one doesn't move, this one does, you can just tell where the rods open up. >> actually you feel energy flowing right through your body trk has a tingly situation. >> are you sure you don't just have to use the bathroom. >> no. >> did you go before we left. >> while larry took a tinkle i investigated further, ground water experts, i am not going to call anybody, are you saying i