first up, larry bill elliot, convicted of killing a north virginiaen couple back in 2001. a judge has set his date of execution for october the 5th and for john alan muhammad, execution date is november 10th. he was convicted of masterminding sniper attacks back in 2002. 10 people were murdered. his attorney says his client will appeal to the u.s. supreme court and will ask the governor for clemency. >>> amtrak could lose $1.6 billion in subsidies if it doesn't change its current policy. the senate voted today to who would money unless it lets passengers to transport hand guns in their checked baggage. but a house version does not have that kind of provision. the bills must be reconciled before amtrak would have to make changes. >>> the hits keep coming for acorn. ever since employees of the advocacy group were caught in a scathing video scene advising a couple posing as a prostitute and a pimp. and as britney morehouse tells us tonight, it may cost the group all of its public funding. >> first the census group serve d ties with the group. next the senate blocked grants to