had to, and we're in the middle of, a cultural transformation that i think will link back to larry casalino's remarks that start offered a we talk about what we really need to redesign and change work and change your perspective. in our case that redesign involved harnessing new technologies, and again the theme of this meeting, making more efficient use of our teams, people, and rethinking what medical care was all about. a little bit of background. group health is been around for 63 years. we are consumer governed, called the clock. we are based in seattle. we have 620,000 members. we are growing. we have 26 primary care centers, sixpence the units and one tiny hospital. 960 physicians, and we contract with a large network of over 9000 physicians and 39 hospitals. i am director of the research institute which is an house, but public oriented, not for profit, public sector research group. and it was the place with a chronic care model developed. and you would think that group health would have no problem with primary care, i'd in fact we have our own strides. one of those of today's meeting