rojas worked as a handyman for larry dominick until fired in 2006 claims that he spoke using racial slurs against hispanics white published spanish-language newspaper critical of larry dominick claiming that they are politically motivated >> vicious publication targeted at people in cicero the town in targeting people personally like my wife and myself with no limit to what it will publish cicero el di newspaper aligned with former cicero president merced rojas betty loren-maltese critical of the cicero administration under larry dominick >> rehabilitated birth parents yolanda miller hooked on crack cocaine and cannot take care for children removed children of their home and put them up for adoption with relatives, now rehabilitated and with a new law backing her miller was able to reunite with four upper grown children claim they never lost face with faith with their mother >> it is ok i am very proud of my mother very proud i never go through anything because i know what we have been through, we are blessed and we are strong and happy >> yolanda miller five more adult children who