thank you to shelby holiday, larry gatlynn, supertuart varne tyrus, and cat. we love you america. >>> welcome to "red eye." hello, everyone. i'm tom shillue. let's check in with tv's andy levey at the "red eye" tease deck. >> coming up on the big showing an electoral map would defeat hillary clinton if only men voted. i'm sure is vince foster would agree. and they make up the all male class of nobel prize winners will i guess these times they aren't a changing. nobody hates me more than i do for making the joke. and finally after alex trebek calls it a nerd corp loser, from the immortal words of sean connery, suck it, trebek. >> she rubs elbows with so many she could start a fire. he is not your average joe. he is your average above average joe. he starts every day with a high five from the invisible hand. camille foster. and he's from canada, but that doesn't stop him from being all-american. he is the host of the gavin mcinnes show, gavin mcinnes. let's start the show. >> donald trump could win the election in a landslide if only men are allowed to vote. the