political analyst larry gerston joins us with a look at the past century, and what have we seen in terms of racial ecallty in california? >> we have seen change, kris, no doubt, but not without a struggle, lots of struggles. a couple moments come to mind. in 1963, that's the same year as king's speech, the california legislature passed something very innovative, the fair housing act, which made it illegal to discriminate against african-americans and other racial minorities hoping to buy houses. in those days, it was very, very important. in 1964, the voters repealed that act through proposition 14. that was a bitterly contested ballot initiative sponsored by the california real estate association. and just a year or so later in 1966, the state supreme court declared proposition 14 unconstitutional, and in the process, restored the legislation. now, that was an incredibly big moment here, and it rippled nationwide. >> now, have matters improved? can people buy houses? do they have access to higher education? >> in some cases, absolutely. no question about it. red lining, that was the ter