for the past twenty years larry gibson and his family have been fighting to preserve their ancestral home place on kafer down outside charleston west virginia and when i met with the coal company to fight all my property here me and my family members and they tell me that we don't give a damn about people who carry cholera we don't give a damn about the people on top of a mountain all we care about is profit we are making and that was the dollar it was our body and the. know we were playing there and it is a vice president cultural production and using kids from massey coal one thousand nine hundred three told me this gibson created the stanley heirs foundation refusing to sell his family's fifty plus acres to coal companies before mountaintop removal began his family cemetery was surrounded by mountain ridges today the family cemetery looks out on reclaimed mountaintop removal sites eighteen years ago when i came back and it took me four years a clear left family cemetery and in one thousand nine hundred ninety to now own the crater restful and eighteen years ago when i started this