all sorts of peopleho rise up like larry gibson and fight back. if you ask larry about the chances of saving t appalachian mntains, he knew the same way that to the bonds and all sorts ofctivists we interviewed in west virginia, yet they fought backnyway, utterly heroic. amazing figures. i found often people essentially sustain themselv through faith anin pine ridge, that was the traditional sweat lodges, sun nces, turning to their traditions but it is incumbent upon us to look at these sacrifice zones to understand what happens when there are no restraints, no impediments on corporate capitalism because they're doing this globally. >> imokolee workers. >> and have covered that well. you have repeated conditions in essence that are slavery. these are the perfect workers in the eyes of the corporate state. they have no benefits, they gather in darkness every day of 4:00 in the morning hoping for work, hoping to pick produce. it is companies like walmart that determine the prices. they squeezed the growers. profits get less and less, and they take it