larry h. zeeblezorp will have you rolling in space credits. wow.rything's in english. just like canada. can i turn my phone on? kodos: not yet. now what? i say we take this bucket home! to earth! (engine not starting) come on. come on, you son of a... thanks for flooding it. (engine not starting) (groans) take these pills, and you can breathe our atmosphere. are there any side effects? yes, i'm afraid you will never develop tentacles. (groans) behold the wonders of our world. purple landscape, purple trees. yeah, you really went with the purple theme. we can change it at will. now look upward to see our seven suns. (gasps) so, you use a lot of solar energy? we have federal rebates for the panels, but few take advantage of them. now we shall show you the sacred mysteries of our life cycle. behold, our miracle of birth. each birth is followed by another birth just seconds later. (groans) (all groaning) and finally, a sadder slice of our lives. gaze upon the dead being dumped into a river of their own drool. (bagpipes playing) farewell, dear friends,