joining us now for the hour is larry hatheway. larry, welcome to the program and to our new headquarters. david, it seems like every week we hear about another possible rebellion. how should we view this one? david: we just saw that news of an assassination attempt against the prime minister is the least of her worries. she had got to juggle the demands of the hard brexiteers. boris johnson is now speaking out against his concerns about the possible deal. she has got this deadline of deadlines and most of all, she has got the aussi unionists. relations seem to have soured. over the last couple days. without the d.u.p. she cannot govern. francine: so, what happens next? who did she go to talk to first? boris johnson or arlene foster? david: they have got to come to some sort of wording that is acceptable to all five. there is some news out of ireland this morning that they are willing to change the wording a bit to insert something in there which guarantees the integrity of the united kingdom. that is the problem the d.u.p. had init