in february 2018, the waters of lake coeur d'alene were holding fast onto larry isenberg. d lori had launched their romantic sunrise cruise here at sun up bay and headed for the big resort up the top of the lake, 16 miles away. but four or five miles in, around powderhorn bay, right about here, said lori, larry went to fix something in the bow and then looked around at her and turned a deathly shade of gray. and-- the initial responders, they felt fairly confident that it was another tragedy out on the lake. keith morrison: a semiretired detective named brad maskell heard about it, of course, like everybody in town. he was just an observer, but he knew a thing or two about the lake. he lived here most of his life. water that cold and that deep around that middle of the lake, would you expect his body to sink right down to the bottom? typically, in cold water environments like we have, and deep water environments, yes, you immediately submerge, and the body very typically will go to the bottom. and when you go down at depth, let's say, 90 to 100 feet or deeper, it's very rar