wolf when around thirty minutes from now here are multi national before that larry kane is politicking. after the break room. what obama is happy smiley self. the photo with that the nation british prime ministers at them until a funeral and international incident. before we realize obama for doing something stupid a funeral wheat to clear one thing up the washington post says that this action occurred at the memorial service after the funeral was over. and trust me after about three hours of serious collectors in a conference or some sort of super long wedding. most of us will just be hanging our heads against the wall of boredom and i've probably check my email but seven times obama splits know i said most of us but the president's post unlike most of us because he represents all of us. it's one thing when you're fourteen and too stupid to realize that some people rose at the week after grandpa's funeral. isn't that idea was another thing entirely when one of the most photographed and powerful people on the planet takes this healthy at the memorial service of someone he claims to res