the fire department, dan, marty from the san francisco police officers association, michael havel, larry mac, and tom. >> i'm the president of the san francisco firefighter preventions. we have been involved with studies through out the united states. all our studies are pointed to the same conclusion and that's firefighters have higher rates of cancer due to toxic exposures. in 2010 of the national health contacted san francisco and chicago fire departments asking us to be apart of the study that was going to be the largest study in the history of the firefighters profession. we were told by the especially deemologist that they did not feel that firefighters were going to show cancer. the reason being, we're considered to be a healthier population in the work force. the first phase of the study was published and this is the results. it showed that firefighters have higher rates of cancers, digestive cancers, respiratory cancers and two times the rate of prostate cancer. last month, i was invited by the arizona northwestern firefighters association to speak at a conference and update them on