hanson, one from larry nelson. one of the themes is about substance abuse and treatment centers. the city has done a solid job of providing substance-abuse treatment centers. these seem to be on the chopping block due to budget cuts. their concerns that the gains that have been made in helping people turn around the lives, especially in the sector, will now be undermined. how can the department of public health and the city justify these cuts? next, with regard to the "-- closure of community health centers, what is the plan to compensate for that health care need with that perspective closure, not just for residents of district 5, but in the surrounding areas where there is the greatest economic disadvantaged communities? >> hello. i am gregg, the chief finance officer for the health department. let me put this into context. the health department has the largest budget in the city. we have the largest amount of general funds. as a consequence, we are given the largest budget reduction target each year. as much as we would prefer not to have to make any reductions at all, if we d