secondly, the whole concept of, you know, should the government be involved in the -- i think it was larry sommers who said, you know, pardon the language here, you know, government taking winners and losers is a crappy way to invest money and i think we have had some examples of that. could you address the role of government being involved in pacic research as opposed to selecting specific companies to develop a particular product when we continue to run into as i said whether it's republican or democrat administration, continue to run into embarrassing situations on the taxpayer's dime? >> well, first, senator, let me say that i'm very glad to hear you are very supportive of the research and development. that's a proper role for the government, because in many instances not all the investments in research and development are captured by the government that makes that investment. because of that,b not only this country but countries all over the world feel that it is a government responsibility to help with the competitiveness of the businesses in their home countries. to continue research and de