>> i would say there's nothing wrong with great unirsity focusing oscience but i think larry summers cameinto harvaand said "look--" i may misquo this line slightly but he saisomething like omebody would ashamed to hav gram waitd from hvard without hang read the works of william shakespeare, but ty wouldn't be ashamed to graduate without knowing the structure of d.n.a. " i'm pretty sure that that's not true. i think pley of people graduated from harvard without readinthe works of shakespeare or knowing the structure of d.n.a. >> rose: (laughs) speak for yourself! >> well, i mean, think focus on science ignored the fac that the sort of... both the corpate side in the adminiration and the sort of ft wing politiciz side and the facuy hand left places like harvard incapable of really offeng a humantic liberal arts educationhich has to be the focus of an uergroj watt institution. w, harvard is a research university, you're goi to have ientific laboratorie and fantasc research facilies but alof that meant tha the university when i was ere was neglecting what shou beits core compency, as they'd say in lar