. >> reporter: larry tavares has fond memories. i didn't know his name was barack. was barry to us. >> reporter: they played together on the basketball team that won the state championship in 1979. larry was point guard, barry the power forward. >> it was real physical. not scared to mix it up. if you equate that to being the president, he is not scared to make a decision. >> reporter: many high school acquaintances like bart desilva lost touch with borsch so they were blown away with his election speech and election night left many in tears. >> i got more and more excited. i couldn't believe this moment that had months and months of leading into was becoming a reality. as everybody waited for the president-elect to make his speech after being elected it became, i use the word surreal, but it was a climactic moment. >> reporter: they are fiercely protective of their friend getting fired up by all the attacks. >> you can take so much. let's go outside and take the gloves off and settle this outside. that is how i really feel. people have to be patient with him. he is