fidel: las ramblas was always a world of its own.hings are possible here that don't happen anywhere else in town. but we've never experienced this before. i can't say how long this will preoccupy us -- a month, two days, or two weeks. reporter: since the attack, there's been little demand for juan carrasco's caricature portraits. and he doesn't really feel like drawing, anyway. he's grieving for the dead and injured, but also for his city, famed for its openness and love of freedom. juan: barcelona belongs to the whole world. people come from all over to work here. now we share this, too. reporter: not far from las ramblas is the culturally diverse raval neighborhood. it's home to a large number of muslims, alongside christians and people of other faiths. mohammad iqbal chaudry is on the board of the local islamic cultural center. he was appalled that yet another attack had been perpetrated by people in his religion's name. he and his congregation are outraged. they pray that the attack will not foil their efforts towards social cohe