websites that really concentrate on just one thing, where you tend to find great things, is a great one going to lasas. any of the cruise sites, really compare them, you'll find great deals there. i love travel zoo which is a great option right now. they give you locations all over the world. one of my favorite right now is iceland for i think it is four days, three nights, flight, hotel, everything, $700. >> whoa. >> that would be cool. >> go to iceland, they have a new airline flying there. >> bring your own coat. >> very good. >> beverly from fremont asked why do u.s. mail people deliver packages where others can see them from the street and they can possibly get stolen? >> you know what, they don't have to do that anymore. you can tell them where you want to leave your package. if you go online to their website, they have a couple of great options. one of them is called package intercept, and that is you can -- the package is being delivered, you say don't even leave it at my house. leave it at my workplace or hold it at the post office and they will do that. another thing you can do is if you d