that's what lasalle le forward is doing. that's what may the mayor is doing. and that class is made up of a fascinating number of individuals who are already doing that with their degrees and i think is important because the young men and women of our society today we tend to characterize them and label them because they don't do things quite the way we did -- and i'm not always sure that's fair -- we have alternative spring break on our campus and i have students who apply to do that. i had 300 students go to five cities in this country in haiti and give up their spring break instead of going to daytona beach, instead of sun tanning and patrolicing as they were out in the communities mentoring, tutoring students. and these are kids that could probably even get a job during that period of time albeit for a week and required necessary funds for them to mat trick late but they think it's more important to go out and give service. so i have a renewed faith in our youth and the types of students who are coming to howard and i want them to frame the degree the way