. -- ideological battle lasballasl agriculture pyridoxin.collective farms like this were once low on productivity, the machinery was out of date and the work force was too big. 500 people used to work on this land. the business that emerged from the communist farm employs just 40 people and produces just as much food. the manager started working here in 1988. in the mid-1990s his efforts to stave to the -- save the business from bankruptcy. he then became a part owner. but a lot of jobs were lost in the process. of >> the main product we had was carrots. 10 tons were peeled here every day, first mechanically, and then finally by hand. then they were taken to a factory for baby food. that market disappeared overnight, leaving us with a surplus of 30 people. we also had a nursery garden, but the same thing happened there. >> the cowshed stayed in business. milk is now the most important product on the farm, along with greens and potatoes. the farmers here how to overcome massive challenges when they started out on the path of free- market econ