fact, theietnam had been ought up as an alogy for every single americ military endeavor in the lastour decas. time it's actuly correct. for theirst time, perhaps since then, this is conflict that has -- >> you sa correct. could it bvalid. >> yes. well, e analogy is valid and it poses a lot of same issues. an frankly,t scarce me with the dirtion that we're headi in because i thk that we're starting to ramp up our coitment with unclear goals, no particular plan for how to get out. and overly ambitious agenda that's essentially not going be able to be achieved. >> eept one real fundameal difference imy mind is that we shou win this war. in war really does matter. >> andhould have wonietnam too but it was ot possible to do soat an appropate cost and a time frame. >> okay i want to bng in iraq, because we ha two wa actuly that are going. we have this upsurge of vience, that is shiites goin on against- or rather,unnis attacking shias. shou this be a ncern forhe u., or do we look at this and say, no, that's an internal manner? >> wl,he u.s. is there for a while mor and i'm not sure it's really goin