mia laszlo. all right, pick her up. yes? ms. laszlo, i'm detective esposi-- yeah. detective esposito. this is detective ryan. we want to ask you a few questions about that murder you reported. can we come in? no. [ lock engages ] excuse me, ma'am! we still need to talk to you! there is a reason it was an anonymous call. just a minute. [ sighs ] okay, listen closely. here's how this is going to go. i ride in the backseat, alone, and the windows stay down the whole way. ?? can you think of anyone who would have wanted to kill your brother? no. everyone loved justin. he was such a good guy. he left the army to take care of me after our parents died. he, uh -- he paid for all of it, even though he -- he had a hard time finding a job at first. and what did he do exactly? he was a high-end driver, made a lot of deliveries. anything illegal? i don't know. why? we found a secret compartment in his car, and we think that he might have been killed because of what was inside. do you have any idea what he kept in there or maybe what he was doing in the garage this morning? no.