my business has been a collection point for latex paints, batteries, light bulbs. we do it. we collect it, and one thing that really makes us upset, but when they go to buy something, it is always buy it from the companies that refuse to do with, so all of the latex paint that we sell or we collect from everybody, that company refuses to do it for the city. it is a lot of work to collect the stuff and do it. if the city wants to do this program, they should at least go to their people that they buy it from and say, "please by -- please be on board, or we are not want to buy it from you. our employees will not be able to buy it at your place." everybody should participate, and the city should be using their clout to make their vendors do it. what they are doing is they're asking, just like the latex paint, the little guys are doing it, big guys are not, but the big guys are collecting the money, and this is the small business commission. thank you. [applause] president o'brien: thank you so much. let's keep it down. are there any further comments? seeing none, is this an acti