we develop habitual behavior is that many people find hard to change even after work for lathan kernan by one out of 20 people today have developed a dependency a kind of addiction. going offline can help change these have but you'll behave years but also cars out time for leisure activities like going on a bike ride or jogging. exercise helps reduce levels of the body's stress hormones including courters old which helps us relax. only works when you're talking about a moderate intensity endure infectious scientific high intensity competitive support does create mental strain which isn't as restorative for the brain. going offline also gives us a chance to foster our social connections socializing online can actually lead to greater feelings of stress and inadequacy since we often tend to measure ourselves against the idealized image others project of themselves. this noida does we now know that there's no substitute for genuine social connections virtual relationships can't replace them compendia to their credit. and a good night's sleep is also priceless. sleep is especially importan