significant organized criminal activity in mexico and latin amera. much of it beginning to leak into our border states. so why would you not start thinking about maybe we should put narco-terrorisms into this terrorism system. probably the biggest threat we have is from cyber terrorism. people abroad who could literallshut down our banking system or our airplanes or whatever. a very, very potential serious problem. are we going to create a special system of justice for those types of cases in it's a very slippery slope. i think argue three courts have worked in the past and i think they can continue to work. we have to be careful. we to maybe sure in addressing these cases in article three coirts we don't go -- cours we don't go too far. that would be my approach on that question. >> anyone? y don't we take some questions from the audience? i've been asked by the judge and the committee to urge you that you can questions and not just speeches please and that you try to keep them brief because we doave an extraordinary panel with extraordinary knowled