. -- latinnion, america america has to strengthen the relationship. union that the european -- it becomes more dynamic conditions. stephen: we are staying in latin america, where the economic crisis in brazil is even hitting santa claus. --raining college for santa their demand has fallen this year. there they are in training. normally they can earn $3800 for 40 days work leading up to christmas. this year there are fewer available. and more young people are going. you can see a full training, which includes -- rochelle cup thank you for that business roundup. time for the international headlines. it is time to take a look at what is grabbing headlines. let's start in france. papers are focusing on the daring transatlantic air escape back to paris by two pilots facing 20 years behind bars. hello to you. that is a crazy development in what is being called the air-cocaine sega -- the air-cocaine sega. they have made this month adventure novel, an old-fashioned way of saying a disappearing act. you can see the photo there of the two pilots. this year the